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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Quaker""
Holy Silence An overview of the importance of holy silence in different traditions.
Silence and Witness Praises the spiritual practice of silence in Quaker worship.
Porch Talk A relaxed and edifying collection of stories demonstrating the art of everyday spirituality with pieces on family, marriage, friendship, simplicity, and more.
Thanking & Blessing - The Sacred Art Jay Marshall on how to walk cheerfully.
Contemplative Crochet Cindy Crandall-Frazier on using hands in various postures for prayer.
Sacred Compass J. Brent Bill on walking the prairie as a metaphor for moving through life watching for signs.
Imagination & Spirit Why faith is a great frontier to be explored.
Hometown Tales This popular Quaker writer explores the nine fruits of the Spirit in this collection of essays about ordinary people and their everyday lives.
Silence and Witness Lifts up the many worthwhile spiritual practices of those on this path.
A Stone Bridge North A pensive spiritual memoir that pays tribute to Quaker faith, silence, and resiliency.